Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Culture Trend

Lifestyle and trends are strongly influenced by social-cultural changes, such as modernization, technological innovation and also by artistic movements. Trend analysis looks at the interaction of shifts in fashion, consumer lifestyle and culture and is a framework for understanding and interpreting fashion changes. It is important to realize is, that trends are made by people, who on different levels get involved with different artistic environments.
In order to understand a fashion trend, we need to be aware of what will surround us in terms of our social-cultural way of living. The development of new trends usually involves three main sources, which influence our cultural live and lifestyle. These three main sources are high culture, pop culture and low culture.

in fashion advertising, like Katie Holmes for Miu Miu, Victoria Beckham for Giorgio Armani Underwear or Madonna for Louis Vuitton. Fashion brands want to use the glam of Hollywood actresses to project that glam on their products and at the same time to show that luxury is doing well during this economic crisis.

The third culture level is the low culture or subculture. Subculture includes local street movements like graffiti, Hip Hop or other groups outside the mainstream. The influence of subculture to fashion can be clearly seen in surf and skateboard culture from the 70ties to present day. The spirit of the skateboard and Graffiti movement had greatly affected the whole world of sports- and street wear until today. It may be difficult to recognize certain styles as subcultures because their look is quickly (particularly clothing and music) adopted by mass culture for commercial purposes. Like the Japanese Harajuko girls for example, who are teenager girls, originally from the Harajuko district in Tokyo, who dress in a specific way.

Indian Clothing
Traditional Indian clothing has come into prominence once again. Well, if you notice the trends in fashion industry, you'll realize that modern fashion has aped the styling and designing of the bygone eras, the period of royalty, when Maharajas and Ranis used to spend extravagantly on their clothing. Whatever the royals chose to go in for was reminiscent of splendor and luxury. The creative fashion designers of today are in a lookout for ethnic designs that take us close to our cultural roots and remind us of the glorious past. Well, in this section, we will provide you with information on the different kinds of traditional clothing in India, so read on…

Indian Ethnic Wear

Indian Salwar Kameez
Salwar kameez is the traditional Indian clothing for women. Due to its high popularity in the region of Punjab, shalwar kameez is commonly referred to as Punjabi suit. The fashion of Shalwar Kameez in India is not new. Since the past many few centuries, women have been wearing this wonderful attire.

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